Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Pinterest Club

What is the Pinterest Club, you might ask? Well, it's like the Breakfast Club, except none of us would ever get Saturday school and we would all be too similar to Anthony Michael Hall's character to ever be the subject of a movie... With such a flattering intro, you're thinking, "I want to get in on this club!" right?
A couple weeks ago, some friends and I decided we should start having Pinterest nights where we would try out ideas we'd pinned on Pinterest but never had the chance to recreate. Last week, it was my turn to host Pinterest night. Instead of a craft, I thought it would be fun to try some of the spa treatments I've seen floating around the Pinteresphere. Here's what came of it:

Official Pinterest Club Banner

This wasn't even the picture I meant to upload, but it took like 20 minutes to upload it, so I'm keeping it. I wanted to make a banner for Pinterest Night, so I was planning on doing the whole running-burlap-through-the-printer that was trending for a while. But it looked really dull, so we just painted the letters on.

DIY Foot Treatment

Activity #1 was this weird foot treatment where you put shaving cream on your feet and wrap it in a Listerine-soaked towel for half an hour. Verdict: You'd probably get more noticeable results if you had worse feet than a 19-year-old. But it was fun to try. Men's shaving cream feels like "wrapping your foot in a cloud."

Feta Dip

Activity #2 was eating this Feta Dip. Verdict: It was delicious, even on the inevitably burnt bread slices. Side note: I WROTE THAT "feta dip" on the board. It's not hideous! It's probably not correct cursive either, but what can I say. I never learned cursive.

Activity #3 was this DIY spray tan. Actually, activity #3 was going in the hot tub, but I'm not counting that because it has nothing to do with Pinterest. Anyway. Taking pictures of my friends' legs is a no-go, so this one's pictureless. Verdict: It would probably work better the more you do it, but we did notice our legs were a tiny bit darker. Again, it was fun to at least try. And it was very cheap.

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

Activity #4 was eating these strawberries. Verdict: It's hard not to eat a ton of these, because they lure you into a false sense of calorie-security since they're fruit. They're pretty delicious.

Pinterest Night was a blast to host(ess), and the Pinterest Club has another one planned for this week. You want in, don't you? :)

Monday, May 14, 2012


Soooo by the time I post this, it won't technically be Mother's Day anymore. But I started writing this on Mother's Day, so it counts. Plus, shouldn't every day be Mother's Day? :)

Me and my mom
...I didn't have a picture of me and my mom on my computer. I did, however, have a picture of my mom and Abbey, so I just face-in-holed it up and added myself into the picture.
My mom is the best mom. It's true. But for some reason, I never do anything nice for her on Mother's Day. So this year, I planned to do something for her - partly to upstage my sisters who weren't planning on doing anything for my mom and partly to tell my mom that I love and appreciate her, etc. But then my sisters found out and did their own nice things for my mom, so I didn't really get to upstage them. But I did give her a note and some handmade coupons for a free manicure (by none other than moi), unlimited hugs (which, as Grace pointed out, already happens and is more of a gift for me than for my mom), and some other lame things for which coupons shouldn't really be necessary. So, basically, I got her nothing again. But this time I made the nothing seem more exciting. Win-win.
In short, I am a terrible daughter and I don't deserve the perfect mom. But that's the beauty of my mom - she keeps loving us even when we are just horrible.
I love you, Mommy!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Innocents Abroad

Maybe not abroad.
I'll start at the beginning. After finals, I had two weeks to kill before my friend Ambrea's wedding. About half of that time I spent alone in my sister's abandoned apartment. For the most part, I was proud of my ability to function by myself, but there were a few times my bravery faltered. There was a particularly terrifying experience involving the spider that would not die (seriously. I stabbed it with a knife, and nothing. Eventually I trapped it under a pepper mill). There were multiple times I was scared to enter the bathroom because I thought a murderer would pop out of the shower, but I figured that if a murderer was hiding in there he would've killed me hours earlier. And then there would be a moment of self-pity when I realized what a pathetic thought that was. It was a long week.
The next portion of my time was spent on a road trip with my friends Katie and Kristin, also waiting for the wedding. Our parents (or in my case, entire extended family) doubted our capability to drive from Utah to California, but we pulled it off with the greatest of ease...

The car ride

Our first day of driving (Provo - Sacramento) was a long one. Most of the time I was in a state of silent panic. Eventually I relaxed, though. We set up some rules for the trip in advance that could be created or vetoed with a 2/3 vote. They included: no smelly feet, no loud snacks, grumps and sasses go on the roof, no excessive pining, no shrieking, all tension must be hugged out (hand hugs sometimes acceptable), and a 10 minute accumulative accent limit. We broke almost every condition at least once.

1. The license plate game: Kristin was our most enthusiastic license plate spotter. She wrote a list of all the states and we checked them off as we spotted them - she may have misspelled Florida, but she did spot it. And now we use "Flordia" as a sort of pet name for the state.
2. Sometimes road trip snackin' is neither good nor good for you. Katie was pretty excited about this chunk of flavor blasted goldfish that didn't get cut into fish form.
3. We invented a little game called the Jelly Belly game, where Katie closes her eyes and sticks out her tongue and I select the grossest flavor of Jelly Belly I can find to drop in there. It was fun until I ran out of anything but the purple ones that taste like laundry, which seemed to anger Katie. I don't know why.


Katie: "Please don't run over me, kind sir."

Kristin: "Let's play more Josh Groban so I can sing more riffs."

Katie: (jokingly) "It's only speeding if you're going faster than the cars around you."

San Francisco

We were lucky enough to spend a whole day in San Francisco with Katie's siblings! The pictures basically speak for themselves. We had kind of an episode trying to get on a trolley, which ended up just being a bus. Oops. We named it a scareventure. It turned out to be kind of a funventure, though. My favorite part of the day was going to this pretty beach with a gorgeous view of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was such a contrast to the bustling city.


SoCal might have been my favorite part of the trip. We stayed with a friend we met at college for a couple nights, and got a full day at the beach.
1. Sometimes when you have a game night you get too competitive and have to draw unicorns to calm yourself down so as not to get all up in others' grills. A pretty good unicorn for a first try, eh?
2. What's that lump being attacked by seagulls, you might ask? Why, it's me and Katie hiding under a blanket. It was overcast on beach day, so we laid under a blanket while kristin and the boys played frisbee. But then they got the bright idea to throw flavor blasted goldfish at us to attract tons of birds to our safe-haven. I'm usually not afraid of birds, but when their wings start hitting you and they torpedo towards your face, it gets real.
3. This was after we got up the courage to flee our blankety warmth being dive-bombed by seagulls. Not cool, Kris.
4. I guess I smile when I'm terrified? Maybe I was putting on a brave face so the seagulls wouldn't sense my fear.
After that incident, we had a nice bonfire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and whatnot. I could get used to beach life. Even on overcast days.
(sidenote: if I'm in the picture, it's Kristin's. If not, it's mine)


Katie: "It's in point eight miles."
Kristin: "No! It's in zero point eight miles!"

Anne: "Do you think we see mirages of temples because we want to get married so bad?"
