Like my new design?!? I'm super excited about it! This is starting to look like a real blog! Of course, I can't take much of the credit for my new improvements. In fact, I must give all of the credit to my dear friend Lauren Chun over at
Click Clack Clunk - she designed my shiny new banner, which was my only motivation to finally choose a blog name. I JUST LOVE HER! How cute is that pigeon? She also designed me a button, which I would somehow post on here, but I haven't really learned that yet. But it's on her blog, so you'll just have to look at it over there. :) In case you couldn't tell, she's a little more tech savvy than I am. Just a little bit.
I chose the name The Panicky Pigeon because... Well, that's me. 90% of my time is spent in a state of panic and my family calls me Pigeon because of my
continuing childhood love for perching on people (let's pretend I wasn't just sitting on my mom's lap an hour ago).
Hopefully with this new design will come a new resolve to keep my blog updated. I will be setting off for Italy in a little over a week, so that should supply plenty of topics for posts, right? Woo hoo!
Anyway, I hope my
many followers enjoy the improvements! I cannot praise Lauren enough! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Okay. Bye.
Look at you! It looks really nice. :D