Friday, July 13, 2012

7th Post - Woo?

Well, readers, it's that time... I've reached my seventh post! I'm doing great at blogging, I know. I promise to be better when I go to Italy and have more exciting things to share, okay?
This summer, I've been trying to be more productive artistically. At college, I really missed crafts. I mean, I REALLY missed crafts (is bold, italic, caps lock, and underline too much?). So I've been making the most of my resources on my days off and starting (not necessarily finishing) a few projects.
A while ago, I decided I'd whip out the ol' paint brushes and try my hand at painting a pigeon. After all, I've been called Pigeon all my life, so it was kind of a self-portrait. Win-win. Now, painting has never been a strong point for me. I took an art class in summer school to make up credits for seminary one time. That's all the instruction I've ever had. And all this is a way of saying don't judge.

The bigger pigeon was the original, but then I saw these tiny canvases at Walmart and wanted to buy them sooooo bad! Because what's better than tiny art supplies? So mini-pidge was born. It turns out painting on a canvas that small is really hard. Especially with the sad brush selection my family owns. Anyway, this was one of my summer projects - next up: Adventures in sewing!

1 comment:

  1. I feel creeper because you just posted this... but I was doing blog maintenance and your post came up on my feed--I promise! ANYWAY, this is so cute! Good job, twin. It looks good. :D
