Monday, May 14, 2012


Soooo by the time I post this, it won't technically be Mother's Day anymore. But I started writing this on Mother's Day, so it counts. Plus, shouldn't every day be Mother's Day? :)

Me and my mom
...I didn't have a picture of me and my mom on my computer. I did, however, have a picture of my mom and Abbey, so I just face-in-holed it up and added myself into the picture.
My mom is the best mom. It's true. But for some reason, I never do anything nice for her on Mother's Day. So this year, I planned to do something for her - partly to upstage my sisters who weren't planning on doing anything for my mom and partly to tell my mom that I love and appreciate her, etc. But then my sisters found out and did their own nice things for my mom, so I didn't really get to upstage them. But I did give her a note and some handmade coupons for a free manicure (by none other than moi), unlimited hugs (which, as Grace pointed out, already happens and is more of a gift for me than for my mom), and some other lame things for which coupons shouldn't really be necessary. So, basically, I got her nothing again. But this time I made the nothing seem more exciting. Win-win.
In short, I am a terrible daughter and I don't deserve the perfect mom. But that's the beauty of my mom - she keeps loving us even when we are just horrible.
I love you, Mommy!


  1. You are selling your coupons short - I love them! And you! And especially that picture of us - what a treasure.

  2. Moms can't fly. But their tears cure gout and rickets.
